- Wikipedia
Very good to find the buzz words of your area. Be aware that many examiners find Wikipedia unreliable and do not approve of referencing it in reports.
Article databases
- Web of Science
Good search engine that include abstracts from a lot of influential journals. The ability to sort by number of citations are good to find the most important articles of your field. Be aware of any article with no citations if it is not fairly new.
- Google Scholar
Also a good search engine. Sometimes gives other results that complete those of Web of Knowledge.
Fulltext resources
- Chalmers Library Databases
Chalmers Library catalog, here you can find and reserve books and journals from the library collections. Newer publications are often available in e-book format as well.
- Gothenburg University Library
University of Gothenburg library catalogue. Everyone can get a library card here but if you are not a student of the University of Gothenburg, you do not get access to all resources.
- Libris
Catalog for all Swedish university libraries. Books and articles can be ordered within Sweden if you are a student at Chalmers. Receiving the material will take from a few days up to several months.
- Google Books
A lot of books available, but not always as full-text books.